PICO Extra Premium Canarini - Μείγμα για καναρίνια χρώματος & ποζιτούρας 1kg (χύμα)

SKU: 503913

Complete seed mix for all canaries, enriched with oregano, free of dust and oils. Selected seeds of high purity up to 99.9%, guaranteed by Salvatore Boccia SRL (PICO). Suitable for all seasons and for maintaining the good physical condition of your canaries.
It was designed in collaboration with leading European bird breeders who use it as a staple food for their canaries.
A nutritious food with high purity canary seed (99.9%), nigella, golden linseed, hemp seed, sesame, white perilla and oregano. An excellent source of fatty acids of high biological value (omega 3 and 6).
Freely provide as much food as the birds need and replenish daily. Make sure fresh water is always available.  ...More

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Composition: Canadian Millet 79%, Golden Flax 4%, Nizer 5%, Kanaburi 3%, Sesame 2.5%, White Perilla 6%, Oregano 0.5%, Protein : 17.73%, Fat : 6.61%, Vegetable Fiber : 9.9%, Calcium: 893mg


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